A little-known celebration is coming up but it is one that I look forward to every year. On April 26th, we celebrate ‘Get Organized’ Day! ‘Get Organized’ Day is a time to celebrate the practice of home and office organization. While getting organized may seem like a daunting task at first, research has shown that […]

April 17, 2022

April 26 ‘get Organized’ Day Join the 14-day Challenge to a More Organized You!

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A little-known celebration is coming up but it is one that I look forward to every year. On April 26th, we celebrate ‘Get Organized’ Day! ‘Get Organized’ Day is a time to celebrate the practice of home and office organization. While getting organized may seem like a daunting task at first, research has shown that […]

April 17, 2022

April 26 ‘get Organized’ Day Join the 14-day Challenge to a More Organized You!

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