As a wife, mom and organizer, my goal is to empower homeowners to find balance in their homes and minds through organization.
This 14-day challenge is designed to help you make small changes each day and get into the habit of organizing.
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The Family Power Reading Club is based in Shanghai and was established at the beginning of the pandemic with the intention to impart wisdom to help families grow stronger together.
Their members accompany each other through reading so that they can gain spiritual strength from history and knowledge-sharing.
I recently had the pleasure to speak at Family Power Wonder Lab & Family Power Reading Club about one of my all-time favorite books, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.
I chose this book because it profoundly influenced my way of thinking and inspired me to become a professional organizer.
Instead of thinking of our lives in a linear manner, with a past, present, and future, this book suggests that our entire experience takes place in the now.
This highlights the importance of making the most of each day rather than stressing about the past or future.
The author suggests that most of us feel fear or regret about circumstances that are out of our control.
Instead of ruminating on negative things, we should keep a positive mindset and focus on the things within our power to change.
You can free yourself from pain by observing your mind without judgment. Just notice whatever thought, accept it, and move on.
This simple awareness of your thoughts without constant berating is usually enough to stop your anxiety or fear in its tracks.
I believe there is a direct connection between our environment and our mental state of being.
While reading this book and absorbing the lessons, I had an epiphany that led me to create my business.
I realized that we get stuck in the past, in a cycle of anxiety, in a life we don’t love, because we surround ourselves with relics of yesterday, accumulating things in hopes of a better future.
And then I saw it clearly,
Our environments tend to get messy, mostly for two reasons.
The first is that we’re worried about the future, fearing that the process of sorting is full of difficulties and pain.
We judge ourselves to non-action because we project our past selves into the future.
We think we’ll never be organized because we’ve never been organized.
The second reason is that we find it too difficult to let go.
To say goodbye to the items that are full of emotional ties from the past, resulting in a pile of items that are no longer needed.
Becoming conscious of the attachment to our possessions allows us to reframe the relationship we have with our things and let go of those that no longer serve a purpose.
I guide my clients to trust their instincts and let go with GRATITUDE. I listen very carefully and I reassure them that they’re making decisions that support their ideal life vision, a vision of now.
I always suggest discarding first before moving on to storage and organizing, and because every family is different, I always offer tailored techniques that best support their lifestyle.
Your home should tell the story of who you are now, in the present moment.
It should reflect all the things that you love and that support this version of yourself.
The same way you observe your thoughts, observe the material things you gravitate towards, and ask yourself why, with curiosity, not judgment.
You will begin to see your home in a different light and notice that you can truly enjoy maintaining this sacred place as a sanctuary for you and your family.
If you have an inner calling to start organizing, I encourage you to try to disconnect from your mind, observe your thoughts and just start!
Before You Go…
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