As a wife, mom and organizer, my goal is to empower homeowners to find balance in their homes and minds through organization.
This 14-day challenge is designed to help you make small changes each day and get into the habit of organizing.
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My inspiration for today’s post is actually my mission for Bless the Mess. I started on this journey because I wanted to help others live their best life, and help them get started on creating this ideal for themselves and their family.
“Any action is often better than no action, especially if you have been stuck in an unhappy situation for a long time. If it is a mistake, at least you learn something in which case it’s no longer a mistake. If you remain stuck, you learn nothing”.
I love this quote by Eckhart Tolle because I see many of my clients struggle with taking action and changing their lifestyle, but they’re less reluctant to do so once they look at it from this perspective.
If you’ve been struggling with embodying your ideal self and living your desired life, keep reading.
I’ve talked about this process in my previous blog about spring cleaning the mind but this mindful practice can be applied when trying to unlock a vision for any area of your life.
Spend some time with this creative imagination technique and get really clear about how you want your perfect life to be. Think about what people you want to have surrounding you, imagine the home you live in, and what a day in your ideal life looks like.
When you have a good grasp on this mental image, write everything down. You can spread this exercise over a couple of days so as to not overwhelm yourself.
Writing your goals and ideal life on paper allows you to visually see the goal and understand what difference it will make in your life.
You can’t move forward with all of your baggage, be it mental or material. With your new found clarity, commit to get rid of things that no longer bring you joy.
Tackle both the physical materials in your surroundings, but also mental baggage that’s been weighing you down.
If you still hold sentimental value to objects, ideas, aspirations or people, you can follow the same decluttering process I described in this post – pick up each item (physically or metaphorically), consider if it still brings you joy, thank it for its service, and let it go if you must.
As I explained above, decluttering will not only clear up the physical space in your life, but also your emotional, psychological and spiritual space as well.
Take this time of renewal to revisit intangible areas of your life and infuse mindful action backed by your new clarity. Consider the following relationships:
Relationship to self—say goodbye to decisions that don’t support self-care, self-value, and self-worth.
Relationship to others—do the people in your life give you positive energy and encourage your personal growth? If they don’t support you as a loving, free, individual, think twice as to whether they’re worth taking up space in your life.
Relationship to work— reduce the “clutter” of paperwork, inefficiency, and unnecessary meetings and strive to create a balanced workload and make your work meaningful, collaborative, and empowering to others.
Relationship to nature and play—seeing these as expressions of love and opportunities to fill your life with truth that will spark joy.
Be grateful, persistent & patient. Your efforts won’t yield fruit overnight but with the right attitude you’ll soon notice yourself on the right track.
Achieving your ideal life takes work and a lot of letting go but if you leave with only one takeaway, remember this: by getting rid of everything that doesn’t matter, you can make room for everything that does.
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Commit to Organize Your Life in 14 Days
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