Thanksgiving is right around the corner and while this western holiday it’s not commonly celebrated here in Shanghai, I believe we too can take the time to practice a little gratitude.  Practicing gratitude is an integral part of my life (and organization philosophy) because it brings you a lot of positive changes and helps you […]

November 13, 2022

5 Things to Be Grateful for This Thanksgiving

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Bless the Mess takes the overwhelm out of organizing with the simplest, most effective tools and services.

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If you already work in a high-stress environment, or deal with stress daily, one of the best gifts you can give yourself is a calm and relaxing home sanctuary. But can you ever truly relax in a cluttered environment? Many of us enjoy our homes and think that the mess around us doesn’t affect our […]

June 13, 2021

Mess Equals Stress – How Clutter Affects Our Moods

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