On April 26th for ‘Get Organized’ day, I had the pleasure to host a talk for Citibank China employees. My presentation was on the importance of a tidy home and how getting organized enhances productivity and is closely linked with happiness and inner balance. At the end of the talk, I invited the attendees to […]

May 8, 2022

Get Organized Challenge – How 90 People Committed to Organizing Their Lives in 14 Days

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Bless the Mess takes the overwhelm out of organizing with the simplest, most effective tools and services.

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On April 26th for ‘Get Organized’ day, I had the pleasure to host a talk for Citibank China employees. My presentation was on the importance of a tidy home and how getting organized enhances productivity and is closely linked with happiness and inner balance. At the end of the talk, I invited the attendees to […]

May 8, 2022

Get Organized Challenge – How 90 People Committed to Organizing Their Lives in 14 Days

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