As a wife, mom and organizer, my goal is to empower homeowners to find balance in their homes and minds through organization.
This 14-day challenge is designed to help you make small changes each day and get into the habit of organizing.
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Mother’s day is right around the corner and one universal struggle we all have as moms is what to do with all the sentimental items that we collect over the years.
Sentimental items can be anything from photographs to baby blankets, framed artwork, jewelry, or gifts we receive from our loved ones.
Organizing sentimental items is not an easy thing to do. It’s the last category on the Marie Kondo tidying by category process because we need to build the decluttering and organizing muscle before we tackle it.
While this activity can be quite emotionally charged, going through it you’ll find a deeper appreciation for the items that you do keep, and you’ll be at peace with the items you’ve let go of.
The good thing is there are a variety of ways to store sentimental items and I am going to share some of my favorites below.
Pro Tip: the process described above can easily be applied to organizing greeting cards and letters you want to keep.
Save that cute mother’s day artwork you’re sure to receive, so you can enjoy it later.
I like to create artbooks of my son’s creations and even framed pieces we can use as decor. This way everything is kept neat, organized, and safe from wear and tear caused by the passage of time.
1. Setting the artwork on a flat surface, I take a good picture framing the art in the shot.
2. I create an art book using Canva by importing all the pictures I took in step 1.
3. Finally, I print out the artbook and use it as a coffee table book.
4. If you’d rather make a framed collage of the artwork, the same process applies. Instead of creating the book yourself, you can send your pictures to your local print shop.
I dedicated an entire blog post to the topic of organizing kids’ artwork, with many unique ideas – give it a read here.
Sometimes we want to keep gifts out of love and respect for the gifter but don’t necessarily have a use for them.
In these situations, I tell my clients to keep one item that represents a collection of items or one that’s representative of the connection they have with the loved one.
On a final note, allow yourself to be vulnerable as you go through this process, mama. We’re all going to have a different comfort level when it comes to the number of items we want to keep – and that’s okay.
If you’re looking for ways to organize your jewelry, I wrote in detail about it here.
Tune in to my ongoing 14 Day Get Organized challenge I’ll be sharing lots of fun tips on how to store your favorite treasures.
Happy Organizing and Happy Mother’s day!
And don’t forget that sometimes, your phone needs decluttering too.
Before You Go…
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